- 22 results
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Gene editing tool reduces Alzheimer’s plaque precursor in mice
Perez Pinera, P., Gaj, T. & Maslov, S.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
How do drugs like Ozempic work for weight loss?
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert Comment / Interview
From 'CyberSlug' to 'CyberOctopus': New AI explores, remembers, seeks novelty, overcomes obstacles
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
Nerves prompt muscle to release factors that boost brain health
Chen, Q., Sweedler, J. V., Bashir, R., Chung, H. J., Popescu, G., Gillette, M. U., Gazzola, M. & Kong, H. J.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
Five Illinois faculty elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Amato, N. M., Bashir, R., Bell, A. M., Gammie, C. F. & Selvin, P. R.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Earliest-yet Alzheimer’s biomarker found in mouse model could point to new targets
Tsai, N.-P., Yu, X. & Lee, K. Y.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
Mice study suggests metabolic diseases may be driven by gut microbiome, loss of ovarian hormones
Nelson, E. R., Loman, B. R., Wallig, M. A. & Swanson, K. S.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
Rashid Bashir elected to National Academy of Medicine
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
Team identifies key driver of cancer cell death pathway that activates immune cells
Nelson, E. R., Hergenrother, P. & Shapiro, D. J.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
Possible genetic basis and mouse model found for severe nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Kalsotra, A., Prasanth, K. V. & Anakk, S.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
Microelectronics give researchers a remote control for biological robots
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
First test of anti-cancer agent PAC-1 in human clinical trials shows promise
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
Experts boost activity of potential therapeutic target in triple-negative breast cancer
Katzenellenbogen, B. S. & Katzenellenbogen, J. A.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
SHIELD program a model for effective pandemic management, data show
Burke, M., Smith, R. L., Hergenrother, P., Goldenfeld, N. D., Sullivan, W. C., Fan, T. M. & Elbanna, A.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
Portable, point-of-care COVID-19 test discerns alpha variant from earlier strains
Bashir, R., King, W. P., Valera, E., Wang, L. & White, K. C.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
New approach enhances muscle recovery in aged mice
Romanova, E. V., Sweedler, J. V. & Boppart, M.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Research
Study: Portable, point-of-care COVID-19 test could bypass the lab
Bashir, R., Cunningham, B. T., King, W. P. & Valera Cano, E. A.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
Emergency Ventilator Prototype Created in Less than a Week Undergoes Testing in Illinois as State's Coronavirus Cases Surge
King, W. P., Bashir, R., Johnson, H. T., Elbel, S., Mukherjee, U. K., Seshadri, S., Tawfick, S. H., Amos, J., Azer, M. N., Elliott, G. S., Glumac, N. G., Johnson, B. E., Kesavadas, T., Lee, T., White, K. C., Johnson, M. A., Best, C., Goldstein, M. H., Wooldridge, A., Wheeler, M. B., Boppart, S. A., Haraschak, J. L., Phillips, H., Selting, K. A., Tonozzi, C. C., Singer, A. C. & Oelze, M. L.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Research
Illinois researchers creating emergency ventilator
King, W. P., Bashir, R., Johnson, H. T., Elbel, S., Mukherjee, U. K., Seshadri, S., Tawfick, S. H., Amos, J., Azer, M. N., Elliott, G. S., Glumac, N. G., Johnson, B. E., Kesavadas, T., Lee, T., White, K. C., Johnson, M. A., Best, C., Goldstein, M. H., Wooldridge, A., Wheeler, M. B., Boppart, S. A., Haraschak, J. L., Phillips, H., Selting, K. A., Tonozzi, C. C., Singer, A. C. & Oelze, M. L.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research
U of I researchers create emergency ventilator prototype
King, W. P., Bashir, R., Johnson, H. T., Elbel, S., Mukherjee, U. K., Seshadri, S., Tawfick, S. H., Amos, J., Azer, M. N., Elliott, G. S., Glumac, N. G., Johnson, B. E., Kesavadas, T., Lee, T., White, K. C., Johnson, M. A., Best, C., Goldstein, M. H., Wooldridge, A., Wheeler, M. B., Boppart, S. A., Haraschak, J. L., Phillips, H., Selting, K. A., Tonozzi, C. C., Singer, A. C. & Oelze, M. L.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research