Review article

Search results

  • 2025

    Diving Deep Into the Relationship Between Speech Fluency and Second Language Proficiency: A Meta-Analysis

    Yan, X., Lei, Y. & Pan, Y., 2025, (Accepted/In press) In: Language Learning.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2024

    AI Analytics for Carbon-Neutral City Planning: A Systematic Review of Applications

    Cong, C., Page, J., Kwak, Y., Deal, B. & Kalantari, Z., Sep 2024, In: Urban Science. 8, 3, 104.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • A longitudinal study of COVID-19 impacts on Canadian older adults’ travel experiences and perspectives

    Fesemyer, J., Liechty, T., Stearns, S., Chung, W., Plandowski, K., Tavilsup, P., Soulard, J. & Genoe, M. R., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Current Issues in Tourism.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • A Review on the Use of Geodesign Processes in Managing Flood Vulnerability

    Pang, B. & Deal, B., Jun 2024, In: Land. 13, 6, 723.

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    Open Access
  • Biodiversity of urban green spaces and human health: a systematic review of recent research

    Wu, C. C., O’Keefe, J., Ding, Y. & Sullivan, W. C., 2024, In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 12, 1467568.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Decarbonization and the Capitalist State

    Soener, M., Nov 2024, In: Sociology Compass. 18, 11, e70011.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Intergenerational attrition: Direct or reverse language transmission?

    Montrul, S., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Bilingualism.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Introduction: Religion and Culture within Historical Political Economy

    Doten-Snitker, K., Livny, A. & Rubin, J., Jul 8 2024, In: Journal of Historical Political Economy. 4, 2, p. 153-157 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Modeling interconnections of safety and financial performance of nuclear power plants part 1: Categorical review and theoretical bases

    Beal, J., Sakurahara, T., Farshadmanesh, P., Reihani, S. A., Kee, E., Rowell, A., Yilmaz, F. & Mohaghegh, Z., Jun 2024, In: Progress in Nuclear Energy. 171, 105123.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • The Myriad Decision at 10

    Sherkow, J. S., Cook-Deegan, R. & Greely, H. T., Aug 27 2024, In: Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics. 25, 1, p. 397-419 23 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


    Mazzone, J., 2024, In: University of Illinois Law Review. 2024, 5, p. 1765-1808 44 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • 2023

    Design and simulated performance of calorimetry systems for the ECCE detector at the electron ion collider

    Bock, F., Schmidt, N., Wang, P. K., Santiesteban, N., Horn, T., Huang, J., Lajoie, J., Munoz Camacho, C., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Ayerbe Gayoso, C., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R. & Benmokhtar, F. & 259 others, Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Oct 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1055, 168464.

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    Open Access
  • Detector requirements and simulation results for the EIC exclusive, diffractive and tagging physics program using the ECCE detector concept

    Bylinkin, A., Dean, C. T., Fegan, S., Gangadharan, D., Gates, K., Kay, S. J. D., Korover, I., Li, W. B., Li, X., Montgomery, R., Nguyen, D., Penman, G., Pybus, J. R., Santiesteban, N., Shimizu, S., Trotta, R., Usman, A., Baker, M. D., Frantz, J. & Glazier, D. I. & 259 others, Higinbotham, D. W., Horn, T., Huang, J., Huber, G. M., Reed, R., Roche, J., Schmidt, A., Steinberg, P., Stevens, J., Goto, Y., Munoz Camacho, C., Murray, M., Papandreou, Z., Zha, W., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Ayerbe Gayoso, C., Bae, J., Bai, X., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Finger, M., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gardner, S., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glimos, E., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Hoballah, M., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Stepanov, P., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Jul 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1052, 168238.

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    Open Access
  • ECCE unpolarized TMD measurements

    Seidl, R., Vladimirov, A., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M. & Brash, E. & 260 others, Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Morales, Y. C., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., Fassi, L. E., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Camacho, C. M., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., da Costa, H. P., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Araya, S. T., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Hulse, C. V., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Oct 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1055, 168458.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Emergent role of critical interfaces in the dynamics of intensively managed landscapes

    Kumar, P., Anders, A., Bauer, E., Blair, N. E., Cain, M., Dere, A., Druhan, J., Filley, T., Giannopoulos, C., Goodwell, A. E., Grimley, D., Karwan, D., Keefer, L. L., Kim, J., Marini, L., Muste, M., Papanicolaou, A. N. T., Rhoads, B. L., Rodriguez, L. C. H. & Roque-Malo, S. & 7 others, Schaeffer, S., Stumpf, A., Ward, A., Welp, L., Wilson, C. G., Yan, Q. & Zhou, S., Sep 2023, In: Earth-Science Reviews. 244, 104543.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Evaluation of longitudinal double-spin asymmetry measurements in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from the proton for the ECCE detector design

    Van Hulse, C., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E. & Brindza, P. & 258 others, Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Morales, Y. C., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., C.Cuevas, Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., Fassi, L. E., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Camacho, C. M., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Costa, H. P. D., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Araya, S. T., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., Hecke, H. W. V., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Nov 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1056, 168563.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Heritage Languages: Language Acquired, Language Lost, Language Regained

    Montrul, S., Jan 17 2023, In: Annual Review of Linguistics. 9, p. 399-418 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Search for e→τ charged lepton flavor violation at the EIC with the ECCE detector

    Zhang, J. L., Mantry, S., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M. & Brash, E. & 259 others, Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Munoz Camacho, C., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Aug 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1053, 168276.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • The End of Everything? Pogroms in Wars and Revolutions*

    Avrutin, E. M., Sep 2023, In: Journal of Modern History. 95, 3, p. 668-691 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • 2022

    A Metalanguage for Learning: Rebalancing the Cognitive with the Socio-Material

    Lim, F. V., Cope, B. & Kalantzis, M., Feb 4 2022, In: Frontiers in Communication. 7, 830613.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

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  • Disappointment

    Greenberg, J. & Muir, S., Oct 24 2022, In: Annual Review of Anthropology. 51, p. 307-323 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

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  • Sovereignty, territory, and the legitimacy of the international order

    Murphy, C., Jul 2022, In: European Journal of Political Theory. 21, 3, p. 608-614 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • The Earth BioGenome Project 2020: Starting the clock

    Lewin, H. A., Richards, S., Aiden, E. L., Allende, M. L., Archibald, J. M., Bálint, M., Barker, K. B., Baumgartner, B., Belov, K., Bertorelle, G., Blaxter, M. L., Cai, J., Caperello, N. D., Carlson, K., Castilla-Rubio, J. C., Chaw, S. M., Chen, L., Childers, A. K., Coddington, J. A. & Conde, D. A. & 65 others, Corominas, M., Crandall, K. A., Crawford, A. J., DiPalma, F., Durbin, R., Ebenezer, T. G. E., Edwards, S. V., Fedrigo, O., Flicek, P., Formenti, G., Gibbs, R. A., Gilbert, M. T., Goldstein, M. M., Graves, J. M., Greely, H. T., Grigoriev, I. V., Hackett, K. J., Hall, N., Haussler, D., Helgen, K. M., Hogg, C. J., Isobe, S., Jakobsen, K. S., Janke, A., Jarvis, E. D., Johnson, W. E., Jones, S. J. M., Karlsson, E. K., Kersey, P. J., Kim, J. H., Kress, W. J., Kuraku, S., Lawniczak, M. K. N., Leebens-Mack, J. H., Li, X., Lindblad-Toh, K., Lopez, J. V., Marques-Bonet, T., Liu, X., Mazard, S., Mazet, J. A. K., Mazzoni, C. J., Myers, E. W., O’Neill, R. J., Paez, S., Park, H., Robinson, G. E., Roquet, C., Ryder, O. A., Sabir, J. S. M., Shaffer, H. B., Shank, T. M., Sherkow, J. S., Soltis, P. S., Tang, B., Tedersoo, L., Uliano-Silva, M., Wang, K., Wei, X., Wetzer, R., Wilson, J. L., Xu, X., Yang, H., Yoder, A. D. & Zhang, G., Jan 25 2022, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 4, e2115635118.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • What do the 235 estimates from the literature tell us about the impact of weather on agricultural and food trade flows?

    Magalhães Vital, T., Dall'erba, S., Ridley, W. & Wang, X., Dec 2022, In: Global Food Security. 35, 100654.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • 2021

    Geopolitics of comparison: world literature avant la lettre

    Hassan, W. S., Sep 1 2021, In: Comparative Literature. 73, 3, p. 255-269 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Human kidney stones: a natural record of universal biomineralization

    Sivaguru, M., Saw, J. J., Wilson, E. M., Lieske, J. C., Krambeck, A. E., Williams, J. C., Romero, M. F., Fouke, K. W., Curtis, M. W., Kear-Scott, J. L., Chia, N. & Fouke, B. W., Jul 2021, In: Nature Reviews Urology. 18, 7, p. 404-432 29 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Introduction. The Caliphate of Hamdallāhi: A history from within

    Nobili, M. & Syed, A., 2021, In: Afriques. 12

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • See the Noose, Say their Names: Phyllis Naidoo’s Waiting to Die in Pretoria (1990)

    Burton, A., 2021, (Accepted/In press) In: South Asian Review. 43, 1-2, p. 144-148 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • 2020

    Accounting for Colonial Legal Personhood: New Intersectional Histories from the British Empire

    Burton, A., Feb 2020, In: Law and History Review. 38, 1, p. 143-150 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Assessing speaking proficiency: A narrative review of speaking assessment research within the argument-based validation framework

    Fan, J. & Yan, X., Feb 27 2020, In: Frontiers in Physiology. 11

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Intergenerational food-focused media literacy in Jamaica

    Nelson, M. R., Powell, R., Giray, C. & Ferguson, G. M., Jul 21 2020, In: Journal of Media Literacy Education. 12, 2, p. 13-27 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

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  • Ladies Who Lunched and the Battles They Caused

    Twarog, E. E. L., Mar 2020, In: Reviews in American History. 48, 1, p. 70-73

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Models of Technology Transfer for Genome-Editing Technologies

    Graff, G. D. & Sherkow, J. S., Aug 31 2020, In: Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics. 21, 1, p. 509-534 26 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Open Access
  • Reactions to the National Academies/Royal Society Report on Heritable Human Genome Editing

    Angrist, M., Barrangou, R., Baylis, F., Brokowski, C., Burgio, G., Caplan, A., Chapman, C. R., Church, G. M., Cook-Deegan, R., Cwik, B., Doudna, J. A., Evans, J. H., Greely, H. T., Hercher, L., Hurlbut, J. B., Hynes, R. O., Ishii, T., Kiani, S., Lee, L. H. & Levrier, G. & 19 others, Liu, D. R., Lunshof, J. E., Macintosh, K. L., Mathews, D. J. H., Meslin, E. M., Mills, P. H. R., Montoliu, L., Musunuru, K., Nicol, D., O'Neill, H., Qiu, R., Ranisch, R., Sherkow, J. S., Soni, S., Terry, S., Topol, E., Williamson, R., Zhang, F. & Davies, K., Oct 1 2020, In: CRISPR Journal. 3, 5, p. 332-349 18 p.

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    Open Access
  • Reinterpreting the Role of Muslims in the West African Middle Ages

    Nobili, M., Nov 2020, In: Journal of African History. 61, 3, p. 327-340 14 p.

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    Open Access
  • Self-experimentation, ethics, and regulation of vaccines

    Guerrini, C. J., Sherkow, J. S., Meyer, M. N. & Zettler, P. J., Sep 25 2020, In: Science. 369, 6511, p. 1570-1572 3 p., eabe1963.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Society-based design: promoting societal well-being by designing sustainable and resilient infrastructure

    Gardoni, P. & Murphy, C., Jan 24 2020, In: Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure. 5, 1-2, p. 4-19 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Un-Framing and Re-Framing the Global: An Introduction

    Kahn, H. E. & Gille, Z., Dec 1 2020, In: New Global Studies. 14, 3, p. 221-236 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Volunteering and the sustainable development goals: An opportunity to move beyond boundaries

    Paine, A. E., Allum, C., Beswick, D. & Lough, B. J., Jul 2020, In: Voluntary Sector Review. 11, 2, p. 245-254 10 p.

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  • 2019

    Advances in energy systems for valorization of aqueous byproducts generated from hydrothermal processing of biomass and systems thinking

    Gu, Y., Zhang, X., Deal, B., Han, L., Zheng, J. & Ben, H., 2019, In: Green Chemistry. 21, 10, p. 2518-2543 26 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Better government, better science: The promise of and challenges facing the evidence-informed policy movement

    Bowers, J. & Testa, P. F., May 11 2019, In: Annual Review of Political Science. 22, p. 521-542 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Biological systems for treatment and valorization of wastewater generated from hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass and systems thinking: A review

    Gu, Y., Zhang, X., Deal, B. & Han, L., Apr 2019, In: Bioresource Technology. 278, p. 329-345 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Identifying common methods used by drug interaction experts for finding evidence about potential drug-drug interactions: Web-based survey

    Grizzle, A. J., Horn, J., Collins, C., Schneider, J., Malone, D. C., Stottlemyer, B. & Boyce, R. D., Jan 2019, In: Journal of Medical Internet Research. 21, 1, e11182.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Imperial by design: Field models in C. A. Bayly's remaking the modern world, 1900-2015

    Burton, A., Nov 1 2019, In: Journal of Asian Studies. 78, 4, p. 849-858 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Redefining the Scholar-Athlete

    Cross, J. L. & Fouke, B. W., Aug 16 2019, In: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 1, 10.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • The Importance of Demopolis for Today’s Political Science

    Miller, B. M., Oct 14 2019, In: Polis. 36, 3, p. 511-515

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview article

  • Toward unsettling histories of domesticity

    Burton, A., Oct 1 2019, In: American Historical Review. 124, 4, p. 1332-1336 5 p.

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  • What Is Influencer Marketing and How Does It Target Children? A Review and Direction for Future Research

    De Veirman, M., Hudders, L. & Nelson, M. R., Dec 3 2019, In: Frontiers in Psychology. 10, 2685.

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