Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies

Review article

Search results

  • 2025

    Diving Deep Into the Relationship Between Speech Fluency and Second Language Proficiency: A Meta-Analysis

    Yan, X., Lei, Y. & Pan, Y., 2025, (Accepted/In press) In: Language Learning.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2024

    Diagnosis, Pathophysiology and Management of Microvascular Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus

    Jan, Y.-K., Kelhofer, N., Tu, T., Mansuri, O., Onyemere, K., Dave, S. & Pappu, S., Dec 2 2024, In: Diagnostics. 14, 24, 2830.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Effect of adaptive sports on quality of life in individuals with disabilities who use wheelchairs: a mixed-methods systematic review

    Chen, P., Yu, H., Lin, C. F., Guo, J., Elliott, J., Bleakney, A. & Jan, Y. K., 2024, In: Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 19, 8, p. 2774-2790 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Factors influencing the relationship between coaches and athletes with disabilities: a systematic review

    Liu, J., Yu, H., Bleakney, A. & Jan, Y. K., 2024, In: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 6, 1461512.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Grit, Leisure Involvement, and Life Satisfaction: A Case of Amateur Triathletes in Japan

    An, B., Sato, M. & Harada, M., 2024, In: Leisure Sciences. 46, 3, p. 237-253 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Hydrogen production and hydrogen utilization in the rumen: key to mitigating enteric methane production

    Mackie, R. I., Kim, H., Kim, N. K. & Cann, I., Feb 2024, In: Animal Bioscience. 37, 2, p. 323-336 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Role of Enhancing Aerobic Capacity in Countering COVID-19-induced Liver Injury in Elderlies

    A Mohamed, A., A Abdalla, A. & Jan, Y.-K., 2024, In: Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders - Drug Targets. 24, 4, p. 418-429 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Strong interaction physics at the luminosity frontier with 22 GeV electrons at Jefferson Lab

    Accardi, A., Achenbach, P., Adhikari, D., Afanasev, A., Akondi, C. S., Akopov, N., Albaladejo, M., Albataineh, H., Albrecht, M., Almeida-Zamora, B., Amaryan, M., Androić, D., Armstrong, W., Armstrong, D. S., Arratia, M., Arrington, J., Asaturyan, A., Austregesilo, A., Avakian, H. & Averett, T. & 424 others, Gayoso, C. A., Bacchetta, A., Balantekin, A. B., Baltzell, N., Barion, L., Barry, P. C., Bashir, A., Battaglieri, M., Bellini, V., Belov, I., Benhar, O., Benkel, B., Benmokhtar, F., Bentz, W., Bertone, V., Bhatt, H., Bianconi, A., Bibrzycki, L., Bijker, R., Binosi, D., Biswas, D., Boër, M., Boeglin, W., Bogacz, S. A., Boglione, M., Bondí, M., Boos, E. E., Bosted, P., Bozzi, G., Brash, E. J., Briceño, R. A., Brindza, P. D., Briscoe, W. J., Brodsky, S. J., Brooks, W. K., Burkert, V. D., Camsonne, A., Cao, T., Cardman, L. S., Carman, D. S., Carpinelli, M., Cates, G. D., Caylor, J., Celentano, A., Celiberto, F. G., Cerutti, M., Chang, L., Chatagnon, P., Chen, C., Chen, J. P., Chetry, T., Christopher, A., Christy, E., Chudakov, E., Cisbani, E., Cloët, I. C., Cobos-Martinez, J. J., Cohen, E. O., Colangelo, P., Cole, P. L., Constantinou, M., Contalbrigo, M., Costantini, G., Cosyn, W., Cotton, C., Courtoy, A., Dusa, S. C., Crede, V., Cui, Z. F., D’Angelo, A., Döring, M., Dalton, M. M., Danilkin, I., Davydov, M., Day, D., De Fazio, F., De Napoli, M., De Vita, R., Dean, D. J., Defurne, M., de Paula, W., de Téramond, G. F., Deur, A., Devkota, B., Dhital, S., Di Nezza, P., Diefenthaler, M., Diehl, S., Dilks, C., Ding, M., Djalali, C., Dobbs, S., Dupré, R., Dutta, D., Edwards, R. G., Egiyan, H., Ehinger, L., Eichmann, G., Elaasar, M., Elouadrhiri, L., Alaoui, A. E., Fassi, L. E., Emmert, A., Engelhardt, M., Ent, R., Ernst, D. J., Eugenio, P., Evans, G., Fanelli, C., Fegan, S., Fernández-Ramírez, C., Fernandez, L. A., Fernando, I. P., Filippi, A., Fischer, C. S., Fogler, C., Fomin, N., Frankfurt, L., Frederico, T., Freese, A., Fu, Y., Gamberg, L., Gan, L., Gao, F., Garcia-Tecocoatzi, H., Gaskell, D., Gasparian, A., Gates, K., Gavalian, G., Ghoshal, P. K., Giachino, A., Giacosa, F., Giannuzzi, F., Gilfoyle, G. P., Girod, F. X., Glazier, D. I., Gleason, C., Godfrey, S., Goity, J. L., Golubenko, A. A., Gonzàlez-Solís, S., Gothe, R. W., Gotra, Y., Griffioen, K., Grocholski, O., Grube, B., Guèye, P., Guo, F. K., Guo, Y., Guo, L., Hague, T. J., Hammoud, N., Hansen, J. O., Hattawy, M., Hauenstein, F., Hayward, T., Heddle, D., Heinrich, N., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Higuera-Angulo, I. M., Hiller Blin, A. N., Hobart, A., Hobbs, T., Holmberg, D. E., Horn, T., Hoyer, P., Huber, G. M., Hurck, P., Hutauruk, P. T. P., Ilieva, Y., Illari, I., Ireland, D. G., Isupov, E. L., Italiano, A., Jaegle, I., Jarvis, N. S., Jenkins, D. J., Jeschonnek, S., Ji, C. R., Jo, H. S., Jones, M., Jones, R. T., Jones, D. C., Joo, K., Junaid, M., Kageya, T., Kalantarians, N., Karki, A., Karyan, G., Katramatou, A. T., Kay, S. J. D., Kazimi, R., Keith, C. D., Keppel, C., Kerbizi, A., Khachatryan, V., Khanal, A., Khandaker, M., Kim, A., Kinney, E. R., Kohl, M., Kotzinian, A., Kriesten, B. T., Kubarovsky, V., Kubis, B., Kuhn, S. E., Kumar, V., Kutz, T., Leali, M., Lebed, R. F., Lenisa, P., Leskovec, L., Li, S., Li, X., Liao, J., Lin, H. W., Liu, L., Liuti, S., Liyanage, N., Lu, Y., MacGregor, I. J. D., Mack, D. J., Maiani, L., Mamo, K. A., Mandaglio, G., Mariani, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., Mascagna, V., Mathieu, V., Maxwell, J., Mazouz, M., McCaughan, M., McKeown, R. D., McKinnon, B., Meekins, D., Melnitchouk, W., Metz, A., Meyer, C. A., Meziani, Z. E., Mezrag, C., Michaels, R., Miller, G. A., Mineeva, T., Miramontes, A. S., Mirazita, M., Mizutani, K., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Moffit, B., Mohanmurthy, P., Mokeev, V. I., Monaghan, P., Montaña, G., Montgomery, R., Moretti, A., Chàvez, J. M. M., Mosel, U., Movsisyan, A., Musico, P., Nadeeshani, S. A., Nadolsky, P. M., Nakamura, S. X., Nazeer, J., Nefediev, A. V., Neupane, K., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Niculescu, I., Niculescu, G., Nocera, E. R., Nycz, M., Olness, F. I., Ortega, P. G., Osipenko, M., Pace, E., Pandey, B., Pandey, P., Papandreou, Z., Papavassiliou, J., Pappalardo, L. L., Paredes-Torres, G., Paremuzyan, R., Park, S., Parsamyan, B., Paschke, K. D., Pasquini, B., Passemar, E., Pasyuk, E., Patel, T., Paudel, C., Paul, S. J., Peng, J. C., Pentchev, L., Perrino, R., Perry, R. J., Peters, K., Petratos, G. G., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pilloni, A., Pire, B., Pitonyak, D., Pitt, M. L., Polosa, A. D., Pospelov, M., Postuma, A. C., Poudel, J., Preet, L., Prelovsek, S., Price, J. W., Prokudin, A., Puckett, A. J. R., Pybus, J. R., Qin, S. X., Qiu, J. W., Radici, M., Rashidi, H., Rathnayake, A. D., Raue, B. A., Reed, T., Reimer, P. E., Reinhold, J., Richard, J. M., Rinaldi, M., Ringer, F., Ripani, M., Ritman, J., West, J. R., Rivero-Acosta, A., Roberts, C. D., Rodas, A., Rodini, S., Rodríguez-Quintero, J., Rogers, T. C., Rojo, J., Rossi, P., Rossi, G. C., Salmè, G., Santiesteban, S. N., Santopinto, E., Sargsian, M., Sato, N., Schadmand, S., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, S. M., Schnell, G., Schumacher, R. A., Schweitzer, P., Scimemi, I., Scott, K. C., Seay, D. A., Segovia, J., Semenov-Tian-Shansky, K., Seryi, A., Sharda, A. S., Shepherd, M. R., Shirokov, E. V., Shrestha, S., Shrestha, U., Shvedunov, V. I., Signori, A., Slifer, K. J., Smith, W. A., Somov, A., Souder, P., Sparveris, N., Spizzo, F., Spreafico, M., Stepanyan, S., Stevens, J. R., Strakovsky, I. I., Strauch, S., Strikman, M., Su, S., Sumner, B. C. L., Sun, E., Suresh, M., Sutera, C., Swanson, E. S., Szczepaniak, A. P., Sznajder, P., Szumila-Vance, H., Szymanowski, L., Tadepalli, A. S., Tadevosyan, V., Tamang, B., Tarasov, V. V., Thiel, A., Tong, X. B., Tyson, R., Ungaro, M., Urciuoli, G. M., Usman, A., Valcarce, A., Vallarino, S., Vaquera-Araujo, C. A., Venturelli, L., Vera, F., Vladimirov, A., Vossen, A., Wagner, J., Wei, X., Weinstein, L. B., Weiss, C., Williams, R., Winney, D., Wojtsekhowski, B., Wood, M. H., Xiao, T., Xu, S. S., Ye, Z., Yero, C., Yuan, C. P., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Y., Zhao, Z. W., Zheng, X., Zhou, X., Ziegler, V. & Zihlmann, B., Sep 2024, In: European Physical Journal A. 60, 9, 173.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • The impact of training provisions on novice English language teachers in Hong Kong: A systematic review

    Ou, J., Mendoza, A. & Li, Y., Dec 2024, In: Review of Education. 12, 3, e70006.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • 2023

    Carbohydrate-binding modules facilitate the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: Releasing reducing sugars and dissociative lignin available for producing biofuels and chemicals

    Shi, Q., Abdel-Hamid, A. M., Sun, Z., Cheng, Y., Tu, T., Cann, I., Yao, B. & Zhu, W., Jul 1 2023, In: Biotechnology Advances. 65, 108126.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Design and simulated performance of calorimetry systems for the ECCE detector at the electron ion collider

    Bock, F., Schmidt, N., Wang, P. K., Santiesteban, N., Horn, T., Huang, J., Lajoie, J., Munoz Camacho, C., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Ayerbe Gayoso, C., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R. & Benmokhtar, F. & 259 others, Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Oct 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1055, 168464.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Detector requirements and simulation results for the EIC exclusive, diffractive and tagging physics program using the ECCE detector concept

    Bylinkin, A., Dean, C. T., Fegan, S., Gangadharan, D., Gates, K., Kay, S. J. D., Korover, I., Li, W. B., Li, X., Montgomery, R., Nguyen, D., Penman, G., Pybus, J. R., Santiesteban, N., Shimizu, S., Trotta, R., Usman, A., Baker, M. D., Frantz, J. & Glazier, D. I. & 259 others, Higinbotham, D. W., Horn, T., Huang, J., Huber, G. M., Reed, R., Roche, J., Schmidt, A., Steinberg, P., Stevens, J., Goto, Y., Munoz Camacho, C., Murray, M., Papandreou, Z., Zha, W., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Ayerbe Gayoso, C., Bae, J., Bai, X., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E., Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Finger, M., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gardner, S., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glimos, E., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Hoballah, M., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Stepanov, P., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Jul 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1052, 168238.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • ECCE unpolarized TMD measurements

    Seidl, R., Vladimirov, A., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M. & Brash, E. & 260 others, Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Morales, Y. C., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., Fassi, L. E., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Camacho, C. M., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., da Costa, H. P., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Araya, S. T., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Hulse, C. V., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Oct 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1055, 168458.

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    Open Access
  • Evaluation of longitudinal double-spin asymmetry measurements in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from the proton for the ECCE detector design

    Van Hulse, C., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M., Brash, E. & Brindza, P. & 258 others, Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Morales, Y. C., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., C.Cuevas, Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., Fassi, L. E., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Mantry, S., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Camacho, C. M., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Costa, H. P. D., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Araya, S. T., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., Hecke, H. W. V., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Nov 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1056, 168563.

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    Open Access
  • Moving beyond “Why Mars?”

    Markley, R., May 19 2023, In: Science. 380, 6646, p. 697 1 p.

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  • Pion PDFs confronted by fixed-target charmonium production

    Chang, W. C., Hsieh, C. Y., Lian, Y. S., Peng, J. C., Platchkov, S. & Sawada, T., Dec 2023, In: AAPPS Bulletin. 33, 1, 15.

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    Open Access
  • Search for e→τ charged lepton flavor violation at the EIC with the ECCE detector

    Zhang, J. L., Mantry, S., Adkins, J. K., Akiba, Y., Albataineh, A., Amaryan, M., Arsene, I. C., Gayoso, C. A., Bae, J., Bai, X., Baker, M. D., Bashkanov, M., Bellwied, R., Benmokhtar, F., Berdnikov, V., Bernauer, J. C., Bock, F., Boeglin, W., Borysova, M. & Brash, E. & 259 others, Brindza, P., Briscoe, W. J., Brooks, M., Bueltmann, S., Bukhari, M. H. S., Bylinkin, A., Capobianco, R., Chang, W. C., Cheon, Y., Chen, K., Chen, K. F., Cheng, K. Y., Chiu, M., Chujo, T., Citron, Z., Cline, E., Cohen, E., Cormier, T., Corrales Morales, Y., Cotton, C., Crafts, J., Crawford, C., Creekmore, S., Cuevas, C., Cunningham, J., David, G., Dean, C. T., Demarteau, M., Diehl, S., Doshita, N., Dupré, R., Durham, J. M., Dzhygadlo, R., Ehlers, R., El Fassi, L., Emmert, A., Ent, R., Fanelli, C., Fatemi, R., Fegan, S., Finger, M., Frantz, J., Friedman, M., Friscic, I., Gangadharan, D., Gardner, S., Gates, K., Geurts, F., Gilman, R., Glazier, D., Glimos, E., Goto, Y., Grau, N., Greene, S. V., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L., Ha, S. K., Haggerty, J., Hayward, T., He, X., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D. W., Hoballah, M., Horn, T., Hoghmrtsyan, A., Hsu, P. H. J., Huang, J., Huber, G., Hutson, A., Hwang, K. Y., Hyde, C. E., Inaba, M., Iwata, T., Jo, H. S., Joo, K., Kalantarians, N., Kalicy, G., Kawade, K., Kay, S. J. D., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, C., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Kistenev, E., Klimenko, V., Ko, S. H., Korover, I., Korsch, W., Krintiras, G., Kuhn, S., Kuo, C. M., Kutz, T., Lajoie, J., Lawrence, D., Lebedev, S., Lee, H., Lee, J. S. H., Lee, S. W., Lee, Y. J., Li, W., Li, W. B., Li, X., Liang, Y. T., Lim, S., Lin, C. H., Lin, D. X., Liu, K., Liu, M. X., Livingston, K., Liyanage, N., Llope, W. J., Loizides, C., Long, E., Lu, R. S., Lu, Z., Lynch, W., Marchand, D., Marcisovsky, M., Markert, C., Markowitz, P., Marukyan, H., McGaughey, P., Mihovilovic, M., Milner, R. G., Milov, A., Miyachi, Y., Mkrtchyan, A., Mkrtchyan, H., Monaghan, P., Montgomery, R., Morrison, D., Movsisyan, A., Munoz Camacho, C., Murray, M., Nagai, K., Nagle, J., Nakagawa, I., Nattrass, C., Nguyen, D., Niccolai, S., Nouicer, R., Nukazuka, G., Nycz, M., Okorokov, V. A., Orešić, S., Osborn, J. D., O'Shaughnessy, C., Paganis, S., Papandreou, Z., Pate, S. F., Patel, M., Paus, C., Penman, G., Perdekamp, M. G., Perepelitsa, D. V., Periera da Costa, H., Peters, K., Phelps, W., Piasetzky, E., Pinkenburg, C., Prochazka, I., Protzman, T., Purschke, M. L., Putschke, J., Pybus, J. R., Rajput-Ghoshal, R., Rasson, J., Raue, B., Read, K. F., Røed, K., Reed, R., Reinhold, J., Renner, E. L., Richards, J., Riedl, C., Rinn, T., Roche, J., Roland, G. M., Ron, G., Rosati, M., Royon, C., Ryu, J., Salur, S., Santiesteban, N., Santos, R., Sarsour, M., Schambach, J., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, N., Schwarz, C., Schwiening, J., Seidl, R., Sickles, A., Simmerling, P., Sirca, S., Sharma, D., Shi, Z., Shibata, T. A., Shih, C. W., Shimizu, S., Shrestha, U., Slifer, K., Smith, K., Sokhan, D., Soltz, R., Sondheim, W., Song, J., Strakovsky, I. I., Steinberg, P., Stepanov, P., Stevens, J., Strube, J., Sun, P., Sun, X., Suresh, K., Tadevosyan, V., Tang, W. C., Tapia Araya, S., Tarafdar, S., Teodorescu, L., Thomas, D., Timmins, A., Tomasek, L., Trotta, N., Trotta, R., Tveter, T. S., Umaka, E., Usman, A., van Hecke, H. W., Van Hulse, C., Velkovska, J., Voutier, E., Wang, P. K., Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Watts, D. P., Wickramaarachchi, N., Weinstein, L., Williams, M., Wong, C. P., Wood, L., Wood, M. H., Woody, C., Wyslouch, B., Xiao, Z., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, Y., Ye, Z., Yoo, H. D., Yurov, M., Zachariou, N., Zajc, W. A., Zha, W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X., Zheng, X. & Zhuang, P., Aug 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1053, 168276.

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    Open Access
  • The Effect of Short-Term Air Pollutants Exposure on Daily Mortality Among Elderly Individuals in China: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Liu, C., Jia, F., Ji, M., Qu, G., Ye, C., Cheng, J., Schwingel, A. & Gao, R., Aug 2023, In: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 234, 8, 541.

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    Open Access
  • 2022

    Achieving a Carbon Neutral Future through Advanced Functional Materials and Technologies

    Chapman, A., Ertekin, E., Kubota, M., Nagao, A., Bertsch, K., Macadre, A., Tsuchiyama, T., Masamura, T., Takaki, S., Komoda, R., Dadfarnia, M., Somerday, B., Staykov, A. T., Sugimura, J., Sawae, Y., Morita, T., Tanaka, H., Yagi, K., Niste, V. & Saravanan, P. & 26 others, Onitsuka, S., Yoon, K. S., Ogo, S., Matsushima, T., Tumen-Ulzii, G., Klotz, D., Nguyen, D. H., Harrington, G., Adachi, C., Matsumoto, H., Kwati, L., Takahashi, Y., Kosem, N., Ishihara, T., Yamauchi, M., Saha, B. B., Islam, M. A., Miyawaki, J., Sivasankaran, H., Kohno, M., Fujikawa, S., Selyanchyn, R., Tsuji, T., Higashi, Y., Kirchheim, R. & Sofronis, P., 2022, In: Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 95, 1, p. 73-103 31 p.

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  • Communication between persons with multiple sclerosis and their health care providers: A scoping review

    Thompson, C. M., Pulido, M. D., Babu, S., Zenzola, N. & Chiu, C., Dec 2022, In: Patient Education and Counseling. 105, 12, p. 3341-3368 28 p.

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  • Effectiveness of self-management of dry and wet cupping therapy for low back pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    Shen, W. C., Jan, Y. K., Liau, B. Y., Lin, Q., Wang, S., Tai, C. C. & Lung, C. W., Dec 23 2022, In: Medicine. 101, 51, 13 p., e32325.

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    Open Access
  • Home Visiting as an Equitable Intervention for Perinatal Depression: A Scoping Review

    Tabb, K. M., Bentley, B., Pineros-Leano, M., Simonovich, S. D., Nidey, N., Ross, K., Huang, W.-H. & Huang, H., Mar 18 2022, In: Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13, 826673.

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    Open Access
  • Hydrogen-induced cracking and blistering in steels: A review

    Martin, M. L. & Sofronis, P., May 2022, In: Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 101, 104547.

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    Open Access
  • Massage therapy as a complementary and alternative approach for people with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review

    Heidari, Z., Shahrbanian, S. & Chiu, C., 2022, In: Disability and Rehabilitation. 44, 20, p. 5758-5769 12 p.

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  • Sas20 is a highly flexible starch-binding protein in the Ruminococcus bromii cell-surface amylosome

    Cerqueira, F. M., Photenhauer, A. L., Doden, H. L., Brown, A. N., Abdel-Hamid, A. M., Moraïs, S., Bayer, E. A., Wawrzak, Z., Cann, I., Ridlon, J. M., Hopkins, J. B. & Koropatkin, N. M., May 1 2022, In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 298, 5, 101896.

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    Open Access
  • 2021

    Antineutrino energy spectrum unfolding based on the Daya Bay measurement and its applications

    An, F. P., Balantekin, A. B., Bishai, M., Blyth, S., Cao, G. F., Cao, J., Chang, J. F., Chang, Y., Chen, H. S., Chen, S. M., Chen, Y., Chen, Y. X., Cheng, J., Cheng, Z. K., Cherwinka, J. J., Chu, M. C., Cummings, J. P., Dalager, O., Deng, F. S. & Ding, Y. Y. & 174 others, Diwan, M. V., Dohnal, T., Dolzhikov, D., Dove, J., Dvořák, M., Dwyer, D. A., Gallo, J. P., Gonchar, M., Gong, G. H., Gong, H., Grassi, M., Gu, W. Q., Guo, J. Y., Guo, L., Guo, X. H., Guo, Y. H., Guo, Z., Hackenburg, R. W., Hans, S., He, M., Heeger, K. M., Heng, Y. K., Hor, Y. K., Hsiung, Y. B., Hu, B. Z., Hu, J. R., Hu, T., Hu, Z. J., Huang, H. X., Huang, J. H., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. B., Huber, P., Jaffe, D. E., Jen, K. L., Ji, X. L., Ji, X. P., Johnson, R. A., Jones, D., Kang, L., Kettell, S. H., Kohn, S., Kramer, M., Langford, T. J., Lee, J. H. C., Lei, R. T., Leitner, R., Leung, J. K. C., Li, F., Li, H. L., Li, J. J., Li, Q. J., Li, R. H., Li, S., Li, S. C., Li, W. D., Li, X. N., Li, X. Q., Li, Y. F., Li, Z. B., Liang, H., Lin, C. J., Lin, G. L., Lin, S., Ling, J. J., Link, J. M., Littenberg, L., Littlejohn, B. R., Liu, J. C., Liu, J. L., Liu, J. X., Lu, C., Lu, H. Q., Luk, K. B., Ma, B. Z., Ma, X. B., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. Q., Mandujano, R. C., Marshall, C., McDonald, K. T., McKeown, R. D., Meng, Y., Napolitano, J., Naumov, D., Naumova, E., Nguyen, T. M. T., Ochoa-Ricoux, J. P., Olshevskiy, A., Pan, H. R., Park, J., Patton, S., Peng, J. C., Pun, C. S. J., Qi, F. Z., Qi, M., Qian, X., Raper, N., Ren, J., Reveco, C. M., Rosero, R., Roskovec, B., Ruan, X. C., Steiner, H., Sun, J. L., Tmej, T., Treskov, K., Tse, W. H., Tull, C. E., Viren, B., Vorobel, V., Wang, C. H., Wang, J., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, R. G., Wang, W., Wang, W., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, Z. M., Wei, H. Y., Wei, L. H., Wen, L. J., Whisnant, K., White, C. G., Wong, H. L. H., Worcester, E., Wu, D. R., Wu, F. L., Wu, Q., Wu, W. J., Xia, D. M., Xie, Z. Q., Xing, Z. Z., Xu, H. K., Xu, J. L., Xu, T., Xue, T., Yang, C. G., Yang, L., Yang, Y. Z., Yao, H. F., Ye, M., Yeh, M., Young, B. L., Yu, H. Z., Yu, Z. Y., Yue, B. B., Zavadskyi, V., Zeng, S., Zeng, Y., Zhan, L., Zhang, C., Zhang, F. Y., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, Q. M., Zhang, S. Q., Zhang, X. T., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Y. X., Zhang, Y. Y., Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, Z. P., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhao, J., Zhao, R. Z., Zhou, L., Zhuang, H. L. & Zou, J. H., Jul 2021, In: Chinese Physics C. 45, 7, 073001.

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    Open Access
  • Archimedean Principles and Mathematical Heritage: A Synthesis

    Chattopadhyay, A. & Kaufman, B., Apr 2021, In: Axiomathes. 31, 2, p. 145-155 11 p.

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  • A Review of the Plantar Pressure Distribution Effects from Insole Materials and at Different Walking Speeds

    Haris, F., Liau, B. Y., Jan, Y. K., Akbari, V. B. H., Primanda, Y., Lin, K. H. & Lung, C. W., Dec 13 2021, In: Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11, 24, 11851.

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    Open Access
  • Effects of Various Physical Interventions on Reducing Neuromuscular Fatigue Assessed by Electromyography: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Hou, X., Liu, J., Weng, K., Griffin, L., Rice, L. A. & Jan, Y. K., Aug 23 2021, In: Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 9, 659138.

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    Open Access
  • Human adaptation to Holocene environments: Perspectives and promise from China

    Berger, E., Brunson, K., Kaufman, B., Lee, G. A., Liu, X., Sebillaud, P., Storozum, M., Barton, L., Eng, J., Feinman, G., Flad, R., Garvie-Lok, S., Hrivnyak, M., Lander, B., Merrett, D. C. & Ye, W., Sep 2021, In: Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 63, 101326.

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    Open Access
  • Redefining marginal land for bioenergy crop production

    Khanna, M., Chen, L., Basso, B., Cai, X., Field, J. L., Guan, K., Jiang, C., Lark, T. J., Richard, T. L., Spawn-Lee, S. A., Yang, P. & Zipp, K. Y., Oct 2021, In: GCB Bioenergy. 13, 10, p. 1590-1609 20 p.

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    Open Access
  • Role of Community Health Workers in Addressing Dementia: A Scoping Review and Global Perspective

    Alam, R. B., Ashrafi, S. A., Pionke, J. J. & Schwingel, A., Dec 2021, In: Journal of Applied Gerontology. 40, 12, p. 1881-1892 12 p.

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  • The co ncept of religion in meiji popular discourse an analysis of the newspaper yomiuri shimbun

    TAKAO, M. H., Jun 2021, In: Contributions to the History of Concepts. 13, 1, p. 40-62 23 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • The synergy between stakeholders for cellulosic biofuel development: Perspectives, opportunities, and barriers

    Leibensperger, C., Yang, P., Zhao, Q., Wei, S. & Cai, X., Mar 2021, In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 137, 110613.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2020

    Assessing speaking proficiency: A narrative review of speaking assessment research within the argument-based validation framework

    Fan, J. & Yan, X., Feb 27 2020, In: Frontiers in Physiology. 11

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Effect of proprioceptive exercise to balance training in older adults with diabetes: A systematic review

    Mohamed, A. A. & Jan, Y. K., 2020, In: Current Diabetes Reviews. 16, 4, p. 327-339 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Emerging technologies for the prevention and management of diabetic foot ulcers

    Lung, C. W., Wu, F. L., Liao, F., Pu, F., Fan, Y. & Jan, Y. K., May 2020, In: Journal of Tissue Viability. 29, 2, p. 61-68 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Institutional inversion and the connection between collective attitudes and behavior

    Cohen, D. & Shin, F., Apr 2020, In: Current Opinion in Psychology. 32, p. 133-137 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • The ASM journals committee values the contributions of black microbiologists

    Schloss, P. D., Junior, M., Alvania, R., Arias, C. A., Baumler, A., Casadevall, A., Detweiler, C., Drake, H., Gilbert, J., Imperiale, M. J., Lovett, S., Maloy, S., McAdam, A. J., Newton, I. L. G., Sadowsky, M., Sandri-Goldin, R. M., Silhavy, T. J., Tontonoz, P., Young, J. A. H. & Cameron, C. E. & 3 others, Cann, I., Fuller, A. O. & Kozik, A. J., Jul 2020, In: Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. 21, 2

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    Open Access
  • The ASM journals committee values the contributions of black microbiologists

    Schloss, P. D., Junior, M., Alvania, R., Arias, C. A., Baumler, A., Casadevall, A., Detweiler, C., Drake, H., Gilbert, J., Imperiale, M. J., Lovett, S., Maloy, S., McAdam, A. J., Newton, I. L. G., Sadowsky, M. J., Sandri-Goldin, R. M., Silhavy, T. J., Tontonoz, P., Young, J. A. H. & Cameron, C. E. & 3 others, Cann, I., Oveta Fuller, A. & Kozik, A. J., Aug 2020, In: mSystems. 5, 4, e00678-20.

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    Open Access
  • The ASM journals committee values the contributions of black microbiologists

    Schloss, P. D., Junior, M., Alvani, R., Arias, C. A., Baumler, A., Casadevall, A., Detweiler, C., Drake, H., Gilbert, J., Imperiale, M. J., Lovett, S., Maloy, S., McAdam, A. J., Newton, I. L. G., Sadowsky, M. J., Sandri-Goldin, R. M., Silhavy, T. J., Tontonoz, P., Young, J. A. H. & Cameron, C. E. & 3 others, Cann, I., Oveta Fuller, A. & Kozik, A. J., Sep 29 2020, In: Journal of virology. 94, 20, e01473-20.

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    Open Access
  • The ASM journals committee values the contributions of black microbiologists

    Schloss, P. D., Junior, M., Alvania, R., Arias, C. A., Baumler, A., Casadevall, A., Detweiler, C., Drake, H., Gilbert, J., Imperiale, M. J., Lovett, S., Maloy, S., McAdam, A. J., Newton, I. L. G., Sadowsky, M. J., Sandri-Goldin, R. M., Silhavy, T. J., Tontonoz, P., Young, J. A. H. & Cameron, C. E. & 3 others, Cann, I., Fuller, A. O. & Kozik, A. J., Oct 1 2020, In: Molecular and cellular biology. 40, 19, 35620.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • The ASM journals committee values the contributions of black microbiologists

    Schloss, P. D., Junior, M., Alvania, R., Arias, C. A., Baumler, A., Casadevall, A., Detweiler, C., Drake, H., Gilbert, J., Imperiale, M. J., Lovett, S., Maloy, S., McAdam, A. J., Newton, I. L. G., Sadowsky, M. J., Sandri-Goldin, R. M., Silhavy, T. J., Tontonoz, P., Young, J. A. H. & Cameron, C. E. & 3 others, Cann, I., Oveta Fuller, A. & Kozikv, A. J., Aug 2020, In: Microbiology Resource Announcements. 9, 32, e00833-20.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • The ASM journals committee values the contributions of black microbiologists

    Schloss, P. D., Junior, M., Alvania, R., Arias, C. A., Baumler, A., Casadevall, A., Detweiler, C., Drake, H., Gilbert, J., Imperiale, M. J., Lovett, S., Maloy, S., McAdam, A. J., Newton, I. L. G., Sadowsky, M. J., Sandri-Goldin, R. M., Silhavy, T. J., Tontonoz, P., Young, J. A. H. & Cameron, C. E. & 3 others, Cann, I., Oveta Fuller, A. & Kozik, A. J., Jul 2020, In: Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 84, 3, e00122-20.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • The ASM Journals Committee Values the Contributions of Black Microbiologists

    Schloss, P. D., Junior, M., Alvania, R., Arias, C. A., Baumler, A., Casadevall, A., Detweiler, C., Drake, H., Gilbert, J., Imperiale, M. J., Lovett, S., Maloy, S., McAdam, A. J., Newton, I. L. G., Sadowsky, M. J., Sandri-Goldin, R. M., Silhavy, T. J., Tontonoz, P., Young, J. A. H. & Cameron, C. E. & 3 others, Cann, I., Oveta Fuller, A. & Kozik, A. J., Oct 2020, In: Journal of bacteriology. 202, 19, e00420-20.

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    Open Access
  • 2019

    Computational methods to identify bimodal gene expression and facilitate personalized treatment in cancer patients

    Moody, L., Mantha, S., Chen, H. & Pan, Y. X., Mar 2019, In: Journal of Biomedical Informatics: X. 1, 100001.

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    Open Access
  • Enumeration of the hydrogen-enhanced localized plasticity mechanism for hydrogen embrittlement in structural materials

    Martin, M. L., Dadfarnia, M., Nagao, A., Wang, S. & Sofronis, P., Feb 15 2019, In: Acta Materialia. 165, p. 734-750 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  • Epigenetic Regulation of Metabolism and Inflammation by Calorie Restriction

    Hernández-Saavedra, D., Moody, L., Xu, G. B., Chen, H. & Pan, Y. X., May 1 2019, In: Advances in Nutrition. 10, 3, p. 520-536 17 p.

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    Open Access
  • Meanings and Functions of Money in Different Cultural Milieus

    Cohen, D., Shin, F. & Liu, X., Jan 4 2019, In: Annual review of psychology. 70, p. 475-497 23 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review