
Search results

  • 2020

    Chemical Analysis of the Ultrafaint Dwarf Galaxy Grus II. Signature of High-mass Stellar Nucleosynthesis

    Hansen, T. T., Marshall, J. L., Simon, J. D., Li, T. S., Bernstein, R. A., Pace, A. B., Ferguson, P., Nagasawa, D. Q., Kuehn, K., Carollo, D., Geha, M., James, D., Walker, A., Diehl, H. T., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Brooks, D. & Buckley-Geer, E. & 42 others, Burke, D. L., Rosell, A. C., Kind, M. C., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., Desai, S., Vicente, J. D., Doel, P., Eckert, K., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Ferrero, I., Frieman, J., Garciá-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hinton, S. R., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., Kuropatkin, N., Maia, M. A. G., March, M., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Sanchez, E., Santiago, B., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Varga, T. N. & Wilkinson, R., Jul 10 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 897, 2, 183.

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    Open Access
  • Computationally Analyzing Social Media Text for Topics: A Primer for Advertising Researchers

    Yun, J. T., Duff, B. R. L., Vargas, P. T., Sundaram, H. & Himelboim, I., Jan 2 2020, In: Journal of Interactive Advertising. 20, 1, p. 47-59 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Constraining radio mode feedback in galaxy clusters with the cluster radio AGNs properties to z ∼ 1

    Gupta, N., Pannella, M., Mohr, J. J., Klein, M., Rykoff, E. S., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bianchini, F., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Bulbul, E., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Chiu, I., Costanzi, M., da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S. & Dietrich, J. P. & 42 others, Doel, P., Everett, S., Evrard, A. E., Garcia-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Jeltema, T., Kuehn, K., Lidman, C., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., McDonald, M., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchon, F., Plazas, A. A., Reichardt, C. L., Sanchez, E., Santiago, B., Saro, A., Scarpine, V., Schindler, R., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Shao, X., Smith, M., Stott, J. P., Strazzullo, V., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Vikram, V. & Zenteno, A., 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494, 2, p. 1705-1723 19 p.

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    Open Access
  • Constraints on the Physical Properties of GW190814 through Simulations Based on DECam Follow-up Observations by the Dark Energy Survey

    Morgan, R., Soares-Santos, M., Annis, J., Herner, K., Garcia, A., Palmese, A., Drlica-Wagner, A., Kessler, R., Garciá-Bellido, J., Bachmann, T. G., Sherman, N., Allam, S., Bechtol, K., Bom, C. R., Brout, D., Butler, R. E., Butner, M., Cartier, R., Chen, H. & Conselice, C. & 83 others, Cook, E., Davis, T. M., Doctor, Z., Farr, B., Figueiredo, A. L., Finley, D. A., Foley, R. J., Galarza, J. Y., Gill, M. S. S., Gruendl, R. A., Holz, D. E., Kuropatkin, N., Lidman, C., Lin, H., Malik, U., Mann, A. W., Marriner, J., Marshall, J. L., Martínez-Vázquez, C. E., Meza, N., Neilsen, E., Nicolaou, C., Olivares, F. E., Paz-Chinchón, F., Points, S., Quirola-Vásquez, J., Rodriguez, O., Sako, M., Scolnic, D., Smith, M., Sobreira, F., Tucker, D. L., Vivas, A. K., Wiesner, M., Wood, M. L., Yanny, B., Zenteno, A., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Bhargava, S., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Rosell, A. C., Kind, M. C., Carretero, J., Costa, L. N. D., Costanzi, M., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Flaugher, B., Frieman, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hinton, S. R., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Lahav, O., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., March, M., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Plazas, A. A., Roodman, A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Suchyta, E. & Tarle, G., Sep 20 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 901, 1, 83.

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    Open Access
  • Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Cosmological constraints from cluster abundances and weak lensing

    Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Alarcon, A., Allam, S., Allen, S., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bacon, D., Bechtol, K., Bermeo, A., Bernstein, G. M., Bertin, E., Bhargava, S., Bocquet, S., Brooks, D., Brout, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A. & Carrasco Kind, M. & 116 others, Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Cawthon, R., Chang, C., Chen, X., Choi, A., Costanzi, M., Crocce, M., Da Costa, L. N., Davis, T. M., De Vicente, J., Derose, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Dietrich, J. P., Dodelson, S., Doel, P., Drlica-Wagner, A., Eckert, K., Eifler, T. F., Elvin-Poole, J., Estrada, J., Everett, S., Evrard, A. E., Farahi, A., Ferrero, I., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gatti, M., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Giannantonio, T., Giles, P., Grandis, S., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hinton, S. R., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., Hoyle, B., Huterer, D., James, D. J., Jarvis, M., Jeltema, T., Johnson, M. W. G., Johnson, M. D., Kent, S., Krause, E., Kron, R., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lahav, O., Li, T. S., Lidman, C., Lima, M., Lin, H., Maccrann, N., Maia, M. A. G., Mantz, A., Marshall, J. L., Martini, P., Mayers, J., Melchior, P., Mena-Fernández, J., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Mohr, J. J., Nichol, R. C., Nord, B., Ogando, R. L. C., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Prat, J., Rau, M. M., Romer, A. K., Roodman, A., Rooney, P., Rozo, E., Rykoff, E. S., Sako, M., Samuroff, S., Sánchez, C., Sanchez, E., Saro, A., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Scolnic, D., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Sheldon, E., Smith, J. A., Smith, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., To, C., Troxel, M. A., Tucker, D. L., Varga, T. N., Von Der Linden, A., Walker, A. R., Wechsler, R. H., Weller, J., Wilkinson, R. D., Wu, H., Yanny, B., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z. & Zuntz, J., Jul 15 2020, In: Physical Review D. 102, 2, 023509.

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    Open Access
  • DES16C3cje: A low-luminosity, long-lived supernova

    Gutiérrez, C. P., Sullivan, M., Martinez, L., Bersten, M. C., Inserra, C., Smith, M., Anderson, J. P., Pan, Y. C., Pastorello, A., Galbany, L., Nugent, P., Angus, C. R., Barbarino, C., Carollo, D., Chen, T. W., Davis, T. M., Della Valle, M., Foley, R. J., Fraser, M. & Frohmaier, C. & 73 others, González-Gaitán, S., Gromadzki, M., Kankare, E., Kokotanekova, R., Kollmeier, J., Lewis, G. F., Magee, M. R., Maguire, K., Möller, A., Morrell, N., Nicholl, M., Pursiainen, M., Sollerman, J., Sommer, N. E., Swann, E., Tucker, B. E., Wiseman, P., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hinton, S. R., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lahav, O., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., March, M., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Morganson, E., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Sako, M., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Varga, T. N., Walker, A. R. & Wilkinson, R., Jun 11 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 496, 1, p. 95-110 16 p.

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    Open Access
  • Detection of Cross-Correlation between Gravitational Lensing and γ Rays

    Ammazzalorso, S., Gruen, D., Regis, M., Camera, S., Ando, S., Fornengo, N., Bechtol, K., Bridle, S. L., Choi, A., Eifler, T. F., Gatti, M., Maccrann, N., Omori, Y., Samuroff, S., Sheldon, E., Troxel, M. A., Zuntz, J., Carrasco Kind, M., Annis, J. & Avila, S. & 58 others, Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Dietrich, J. P., Doel, P., Everett, S., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Garciá-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Giannantonio, T., Goldstein, D. A., Gruendl, R. A., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Jarvis, M., Jeltema, T., Kent, S., Kuropatkin, N., Lahav, O., Li, T. S., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Melchior, P., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Palmese, A., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Roodman, A., Rykoff, E. S., Sánchez, C., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Sobreira, F., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Vikram, V. & Zhang, Y., Mar 13 2020, In: Physical review letters. 124, 10, 101102.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Does Public Country-by-Country Reporting Deter Tax Avoidance and Income Shifting? Evidence from the European Banking Industry

    Joshi, P., Outslay, E., Persson, A., Shevlin, T. & Venkat, A., Dec 1 2020, In: Contemporary Accounting Research. 37, 4, p. 2357-2397 41 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Do investors value higher financial reporting quality, and can expanded audit reports unlock this value?

    Brooke Elliott, W., Fanning, K. & Peecher, M. E., Mar 2020, In: Accounting Review. 95, 2, p. 141-165 25 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Donald T. Nicolaisen: An internationalist SEC chief accountant (1944-2019)

    Zeff, S. A. & Persson, M. E., Jun 2020, In: Accounting Horizons. 34, 2, p. 185-191 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Dynamical Classification of Trans-Neptunian Objects Detected by the Dark Energy Survey

    Khain, T., Becker, J. C., Lin, H. W., Gerdes, D. W., Adams, F. C., Adams, F. C., Bernardinelli, P., Bernstein, G. M., Franson, K., Markwardt, L., Hamilton, S., Napier, K., Sako, M., Abbott, T. M. C., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E. & Burke, D. L. & 50 others, Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Costa, L. N. D., Costa, L. N. D., Vicente, J. D., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Flaugher, B., Frieman, J., Frieman, J., Garciá-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gaztanaga, E., Gruen, D., Gruen, D., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuropatkin, N., Maia, M. A. G., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Menanteau, F., Menanteau, F., Miller, C. J., Miller, C. J., Miquel, R., Plazas, A. A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Sobreira, F., Sobreira, F., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Walker, A. R. & Wester, W., Apr 1 2020, In: Astronomical Journal. 159, 4, 133.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Evaluation of Combined Artificial Intelligence and Radiologist Assessment to Interpret Screening Mammograms

    DM DREAM Consortium, Mar 2 2020, In: JAMA network open. 3, 3, p. E200265

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    Open Access
  • Everyday sadism in the business area

    Góis, A. D., Lima, G. A. S. F. D. & De Luca, M. M. M., Sep 4 2020, In: RAUSP Management Journal. 55, 3, p. 393-408 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • First cosmology results using supernovae ia from the dark energy survey: Survey overview, performance, and supernova spectroscopy

    Smith, M., D'Andrea, C. B., Sullivan, M., Möller, A., Nichol, R. C., Thomas, R. C., Kim, A. G., Sako, M., Castander, F. J., Filippenko, A. V., Foley, R. J., Galbany, L., González-Gaitán, S., Kasai, E., Kirshner, R. P., Lidman, C., Scolnic, D., Brout, D., Davis, T. M. & Gupta, R. R. & 95 others, Hinton, S. R., Kessler, R., Lasker, J., Macaulay, E., Wolf, R. C., Zhang, B., Asorey, J., Avelino, A., Bassett, B. A., Calcino, J., Carollo, D., Casas, R., Challis, P., Childress, M., Clocchiatti, A., Crawford, S., Frohmaier, C., Glazebrook, K., Goldstein, D. A., Graham, M. L., Hoormann, J. K., Kuehn, K., Lewis, G. F., Mandel, K. S., Morganson, E., Muthukrishna, D., Nugent, P., Pan, Y. C., Pursiainen, M., Sharp, R., Sommer, N. E., Swann, E., Thomas, B. P., Tucker, B. E., Uddin, S. A., Wiseman, P., Zheng, W., Abbott, T. M. C., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bechtol, K., Bernstein, G. M., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Cunha, C. E., da Costa, L. N., Davis, C., De Vicente, J., Diehl, H. T., Eifler, T. F., Estrada, J., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., Hoyle, B., James, D. J., Johnson, M. W. G., Johnson, M. D., Kuropatkin, N., Li, T. S., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., March, M., Marshall, J. L., Martini, P., Menanteau, F., Miller, C. J., Miquel, R., Neilsen, E., Ogando, R. L. C., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Soares-Santos, M., Sobreira, F., Suchyta, E., Tarle, G., Tucker, D. L. & Wester, W., Dec 2020, In: Astronomical Journal. 160, 6, abc01b.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Open Access
  • Fostering intrinsic motivational orientation: A cost-effective method for encouraging audit staff to speak up

    Mocadlo, R. P., Rich, J. S., Trimble, M. & Zhou, Y., 2020, In: Current Issues in Auditing. 14, 2, p. P9-P18

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Increased market response to earnings announcements in the 21st century: An Empirical Investigation

    Beaver, W. H., McNichols, M. F. & Wang, Z. Z., Feb 2020, In: Journal of Accounting and Economics. 69, 1, 101244.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Increasing the census of ultracool dwarfs in wide binary and multiple systems using Dark Energy Survey DR1 and Gaia DR2 data

    Dal Ponte, M., Santiago, B., Carnero Rosell, A., Burningham, B., Yanny, B., Marshall, J. L., Bechtol, K., Martini, P., Li, T. S., De Paris, L., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Bhargava, S., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Carrasco Kind, M. & Carretero, J. & 40 others, Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., Garciá-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hinton, S. R., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Maia, M. A. G., March, M., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Varga, T. N. & Walker, A. R., Dec 1 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 499, 4, p. 5302-5317 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Larson industries: A case on identifying and researching revenue recognition issues

    McNellis, C. J., Barone, G. J. & Herbold, J., 2020, In: Issues in Accounting Education. 35, 2, p. 65-75 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Local soldier fatalities and war profiteers: New tests of the political cost hypothesis

    Boland, M. & Godsell, D., Aug 2020, In: Journal of Accounting and Economics. 70, 1, 101316.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Milky Way Satellite Census. I. The Observational Selection Function for Milky Way Satellites in des Y3 and Pan-STARRS DR1

    Drlica-Wagner, A., Bechtol, K., Mau, S., McNanna, M., Nadler, E. O., Pace, A. B., Li, T. S., Pieres, A., Rozo, E., Simon, J. D., Walker, A. R., Wechsler, R. H., Abbott, T. M. C., Allam, S., Annis, J., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Rosell, A. C. & Carrasco Kind, M. & 38 others, Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Flaugher, B., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lahav, O., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Melchior, P., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Plazas, A. A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Suchyta, E. & Tarle, G., Apr 10 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 893, 1, 47.

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    Open Access
  • Milky Way Satellite Census. II. Galaxy-Halo Connection Constraints including the Impact of the Large Magellanic Cloud

    Nadler, E. O., Wechsler, R. H., Bechtol, K., Mao, Y. Y., Green, G., Drlica-Wagner, A., McNanna, M., Mau, S., Pace, A. B., Simon, J. D., Kravtsov, A., Dodelson, S., Li, T. S., Riley, A. H., Wang, M. Y., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Annis, J. & Avila, S. & 47 others, Bernstein, G. M., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Evrard, A. E., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hinton, S. R., Honscheid, K., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lahav, O., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Santiago, B., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Varga, T. N. & Walker, A. R., Apr 10 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal. 893, 1, 48.

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    Open Access
  • Modelling the Milky Way-I. Method and first results fitting the thick disc and halo with DES-Y3 data

    Pieres, A., Girardi, L., Balbinot, E., Santiago, B., Da Costa, L. N., Carnero Rosell, A., Pace, A. B., Bechtol, K., Groenewegen, M. A. T., Drlica-Wagner, A., Li, T. S., Maia, M. A. G., Ogando, R. L. C., Dal Ponte, M., Diehl, H. T., Amara, A., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Brooks, D. & Burke, D. L. & 36 others, Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Eifler, T. F., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Marshall, J. L., Miquel, R., Plazas, A. A., Sanchez, E., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Sheldon, E., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Sobreira, F., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Vikram, V. & Walker, A. R., Sep 1 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 497, 2, p. 1547-1562 16 p.

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    Open Access
  • Monte Carlo control loops for cosmic shear cosmology with des Year 1 data MONTE CARLO CONTROL LOOPS for COSMIC SHEAR .. KACPRZAK T. et al.

    Kacprzak, T., Herbel, J., Nicola, A., Sgier, R., Tarsitano, F., Bruderer, C., Amara, A., Refregier, A., Bridle, S. L., Drlica-Wagner, A., Gruen, D., Hartley, W. G., Hoyle, B., Secco, L. F., Zuntz, J., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Brooks, D. & Buckley-Geer, E. & 35 others, Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Jarvis, M., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Melchior, P., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Vikram, V. & Weller, J., Apr 15 2020, In: Physical Review D. 101, 8, 082003.

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    Open Access
  • Noise from undetected sources in Dark Energy Survey images

    Eckert, K., Bernstein, G. M., Amara, A., Amon, A., Choi, A., Everett, S., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Huff, E. M., Kuropatkin, N., Roodman, A., Sheldon, E., Yanny, B., Zhang, Y., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Avila, S., Bechtol, K., Brooks, D. & Burke, D. L. & 48 others, Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Dietrich, J. P., Eifler, T. F., Evrard, A. E., Flaugher, B., Frieman, J., Garciá-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kron, R., Kuehn, K., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Melchior, P., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Varga, T. N., Walker, A. R., Wester, W., Wilkinson, R. D. & Zuntz, J., Sep 1 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 497, 3, p. 2529-2539 11 p.

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  • Optical follow-up of gravitational wave triggers with DECam during the first two LIGO/VIRGO observing runs

    Herner, K., Annis, J., Brout, D., Soares-Santos, M., Kessler, R., Sako, M., Butler, R., Doctor, Z., Palmese, A., Allam, S., Tucker, D. L., Sobreira, F., Yanny, B., Diehl, H. T., Frieman, J., Glaeser, N., Garcia, A., Sherman, N. F., Bechtol, K. & Berger, E. & 65 others, Chen, H. Y., Conselice, C. J., Cook, E., Cowperthwaite, P. S., Davis, T. M., Drlica-Wagner, A., Farr, B., Finley, D., Foley, R. J., Garcia-Bellido, J., Gill, M. S. S., Gruendl, R. A., Holz, D. E., Kuropatkin, N., Lin, H., Marriner, J., Marshall, J. L., Matheson, T., Neilsen, E., Paz-Chinchón, F., Sauseda, M., Scolnic, D., Williams, P. K. G., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Buckley-Geer, E., Burke, D. L., Rosell, A. C., Carrasco-Kind, M., Carretero, J., da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Fosalba, P., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Lahav, O., Li, T. S., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., March, M., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Plazas, A. A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Suchyta, E., Tarle, G., Wester, W. & Zhang, Y., Oct 2020, In: Astronomy and Computing. 33, 100425.

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  • OzDES multi-object fibre spectroscopy for the Dark Energy Survey: Results and second data release

    Lidman, C., Tucker, B. E., Davis, T. M., Uddin, S. A., Asorey, J., Bolejko, K., Brout, D., Calcino, J., Carollo, D., Carr, A., Childress, M., Hoormann, J. K., Foley, R. J., Galbany, L., Glazebrook, K., Hinton, S. R., Kessler, R., Kim, A. G., King, A. & Kremin, A. & 84 others, Kuehn, K., Lagattuta, D., Lewis, G. F., MacAulay, E., Malik, U., March, M., Martini, P., Möller, A., Mudd, D., Nichol, R. C., Panther, F., Parkinson, D., Pursiainen, M., Sako, M., Swann, E., Scalzo, R., Scolnic, D., Sharp, R., Smith, M., Sommer, N. E., Sullivan, M., Webb, S., Wiseman, P., Yu, Z., Yuan, F., Zhang, B., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Bhargava, S., Brooks, D., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuropatkin, N., Li, T. S., Lima, M., Lin, H., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Melchior, P., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Roodman, A., Rykoff, E. S., Sanchez, E., Santiago, B., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Tucker, D. L., Varga, T. N., Walker, A. R., Wester, W. & Wilkinson, R. D., Jun 11 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 496, 1, p. 19-35 17 p.

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  • Perturbation theory for modeling galaxy bias: Validation with simulations of the Dark Energy Survey

    Pandey, S., Krause, E., Jain, B., Maccrann, N., Blazek, J., Crocce, M., Derose, J., Fang, X., Ferrero, I., Friedrich, O., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bernstein, G. M., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M. & Carretero, J. & 35 others, Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Elvin-Poole, J., Everett, S., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., Garcia-Bellido, J., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Honscheid, K., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchon, F., Plazas, A. A., Roodman, A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G. & Weller, J., Dec 8 2020, In: Physical Review D. 102, 12, 123522.

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  • Probabilistic cosmic web classification using fast-generated training data

    Buncher, B. & Carrasco Kind, M., Oct 1 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 497, 4, p. 5041-5060 20 p.

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  • Quasar Accretion Disk Sizes from Continuum Reverberation Mapping in the DES Standard-star Fields

    Yu, Z., Martini, P., Davis, T. M., Gruendl, R. A., Hoormann, J. K., Kochanek, C. S., Lidman, C., Mudd, D., Peterson, B. M., Wester, W., Allam, S., Annis, J., Asorey, J., Avila, S., Banerji, M., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Calcino, J. & Rosell, A. C. & 55 others, Carollo, D., Kind, M. C., Carretero, J., Cunha, C. E., D'andrea, C. B., Costa, L. N. D., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Glazebrook, K., Gruen, D., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hinton, S. R., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., Hoyle, B., James, D. J., Kim, A. G., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lewis, G. F., Lima, M., Macaulay, E., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Möller, A., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Smith, M., Smith, R. C., Soares-Santos, M., Sobreira, F., Suchyta, E., Swann, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Tucker, B. E., Tucker, D. L. & Vikram, V., Jan 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 246, 1, 16.

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  • Revising Audit Plans to Address Fraud Risk: A Case of “Do as I Advise, Not as I Do”?*

    Bauer, T. D., Hillison, S. M., Peecher, M. E. & Pomeroy, B., Dec 1 2020, In: Contemporary Accounting Research. 37, 4, p. 2558-2589 32 p.

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  • Selection Benefits of Below-Market Pay in Social-Mission Organizations: Effects on Individual Performance and Team Cooperation

    Chen, C. X., Pesch, H. L. & Wang, L. W., Jan 1 2020, In: Accounting Review. 95, 1, p. 57-77 21 p.

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  • Stellar mass as a galaxy cluster mass proxy: Application to the Dark Energy Survey redMaPPer clusters

    Palmese, A., Annis, J., Burgad, J., Farahi, A., Soares-Santos, M., Welch, B., da Silva Pereira, M., Lin, H., Bhargava, S., Hollowood, D. L., Wilkinson, R., Giles, P., Jeltema, T., Romer, A. K., Evrard, A. E., Hilton, M., Vergara Cervantes, C., Bermeo, A., Mayers, J. & DeRose, J. & 65 others, Gruen, D., Hartley, W. G., Lahav, O., Leistedt, B., McClintock, T., Rozo, E., Rykoff, E. S., Varga, T. N., Wechsler, R. H., Zhang, Y., Avila, S., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Collins, C., da Costa, L. N., Desai, S., de Vicente, J., Diehl, H. T., Dietrich, J. P., Doel, P., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gerdes, D. W., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Liddle, A., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., Mann, R. G., Marshall, J. L., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Plazas, A. A., Roodman, A., Rooney, P., Sahlen, M., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Sobreira, F., Stott, J., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Tucker, D. L., Viana, P. T. P., Vikram, V. & Walker, A. R., Apr 1 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 493, 4, p. 4591-4606 16 p.

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    Open Access
  • STRIDES: Spectroscopic and photometric characterization of the environment and effects of mass along the line of sight to the gravitational lenses des J0408-5354 and WGD 2038-4008

    Buckley-Geer, E. J., Lin, H., Rusu, C. E., Poh, J., Palmese, A., Agnello, A., Christensen, L., Frieman, J., Shajib, A. J., Treu, T., Collett, T., Birrer, S., Anguita, T., Fassnacht, C. D., Meylan, G., Mukherjee, S., Wong, K. C., Aguena, M., Allam, S. & Avila, S. & 48 others, Bertin, E., Bhargava, S., Brooks, D., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Garciá-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hinton, S. R., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Melchior, P., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Tucker, D. L. & Varga, T. N., Nov 1 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 498, 3, p. 3241-3274 34 p.

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    Open Access
  • STRIDES: a 3.9 per cent measurement of the Hubble constant from the strong lens system DES J0408-5354

    Shajib, A. J., Birrer, S., Treu, T., Agnello, A., Buckley-Geer, E. J., Chan, J. H. H., Christensen, L., Lemon, C., Lin, H., Millon, M., Poh, J., Rusu, C. E., Sluse, D., Spiniello, C., Chen, G. C. F., Collett, T., Courbin, F., Fassnacht, C. D., Frieman, J. & Galan, A. & 71 others, Gilman, D., More, A., Anguita, T., Auger, M. W., Bonvin, V., Mcmahon, R., Meylan, G., Wong, K. C., Abbott, T. M. C., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bechtol, K., Brooks, D., Brout, D., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Dietrich, J. P., Doel, P., Drlica-Wagner, A., Evrard, A. E., Finley, D. A., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., García-Bellido, J., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., Huterer, D., James, D. J., Jeltema, T., Krause, E., Kuropatkin, N., Li, T. S., Lima, M., Maccrann, N., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Melchior, P., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Roodman, A., Sako, M., Sanchez, E., Santiago, B., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Scolnic, D., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Walker, A. R. & Zhang, Y., Jun 1 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494, 4, p. 6072-6102 31 p.

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    Open Access
  • Open Access
  • Supernova Siblings: Assessing the Consistency of Properties of Type Ia Supernovae that Share the Same Parent Galaxies

    Scolnic, D., Smith, M., Massiah, A., Wiseman, P., Brout, D., Kessler, R., Davis, T. M., Foley, R. J., Galbany, L., Hinton, S. R., Hounsell, R., Kelsey, L., Lidman, C., Macaulay, E., Morgan, R., Nichol, R. C., Möller, A., Popovic, B., Sako, M. & Sullivan, M. & 65 others, Thomas, B. P., Tucker, B. E., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bechtol, K., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Rosell, A. C., Carollo, D., Kind, M. C., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Drlica-Wagner, A., Eckert, K., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., Garciá-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Glazebrook, K., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hartley, W. G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lewis, G. F., Li, T. S., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Pursiainen, M., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Sommer, N. E., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Varga, T. N., Walker, A. R. & Wilkinson, R., Jun 10 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 896, 1, L13.

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    Open Access
  • The Accrual Anomaly: Accrual Originations, Accrual Reversals, and Resolution of Uncertainty*

    Fedyk, T., Singer, Z. & Sougiannis, T., Jun 1 2020, In: Contemporary Accounting Research. 37, 2, p. 885-916 32 p.

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  • The Benefit of Mean Auditors: The Influence of Social Interaction and the Dark Triad on Unjustified Auditor Trust

    Hobson, J. L., Stern, M. T. & Zimbelman, A. F., Jun 1 2020, In: Contemporary Accounting Research. 37, 2, p. 1217-1247 31 p.

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  • The Curious Case of PHL 293B: A Long-lived Transient in a Metal-poor Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy

    Burke, C. J., Baldassare, V. F., Liu, X., Foley, R. J., Shen, Y., Palmese, A., Guo, H., Herner, K., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J. & Desai, S. & 33 others, Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Maia, M. A. G., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Sanchez, E., Santiago, B., Scarpine, V., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, M., Soares-Santos, M., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Tucker, D. L., Varga, T. N. & Walker, A. R., May 1 2020, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 894, 1, L5.

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    Open Access
  • The Economic Effects of Special Purpose Entities on Corporate Tax Avoidance

    Demeré, P., Donohoe, M. P. & Lisowsky, P., Sep 1 2020, In: Contemporary Accounting Research. 37, 3, p. 1562-1597 36 p.

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  • The effect of mobile device use and headline focus on investor judgments

    Brown, T., Grant, S. M. & Winn, A. M., May 2020, In: Accounting, Organizations and Society. 83, 101100.

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  • The Effect of Performance Reporting Frequency on Employee Performance

    Hecht, G. W., Hobson, J. L. & Wang, L. W., Jul 2020, In: Accounting Review. 95, 4, p. 199-218 20 p.

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  • The host galaxies of 106 rapidly evolving transients discovered by the Dark Energy Survey

    Wiseman, P., Pursiainen, M., Childress, M., Swann, E., Smith, M., Galbany, L., Lidman, C., Davis, T. M., Gutiérrez, C. P., Möller, A., Thomas, B. P., Frohmaier, C., Foley, R. J., Hinton, S. R., Kelsey, L., Kessler, R., Lewis, G. F., Sako, M., Scolnic, D. & Sullivan, M. & 55 others, Vincenzi, M., Abbott, T. M. C., Aguena, M., Allam, S., Annis, J., Bertin, E., Bhargava, S., Brooks, D., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carollo, D., Carrasco Kind, M., Carretero, J., Costanzi, M., da Costa, L. N., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Everett, S., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Glazebrook, K., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kuehn, K., Kuropatkin, N., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Martini, P., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Sommer, N. E., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G., Tucker, B. E., Tucker, D. L., Varga, T. N. & Walker, A. R., 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 498, 2, p. 2575-2593 19 p.

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  • Open Access
  • The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility Measures on Investors' Judgments when Integrated in a Financial Report versus Presented in a Separate Report

    Bucaro, A. C., Jackson, K. E. & Lill, J. B., Jun 1 2020, In: Contemporary Accounting Research. 37, 2, p. 665-695 31 p.

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  • The Informativeness of Micro and Macro Information During Economic Crisis and Non-Crisis Periods: Evidence from Europe

    Doukakis, L., Ghicas, D. C., Siougle, G. & Sougiannis, T., May 26 2020, In: European Accounting Review. 29, 3, p. 467-492 26 p.

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  • The mystery of photometric twins DES17X1boj and DES16E2bjy

    Pursiainen, M., Gutiérrez, C. P., Wiseman, P., Childress, M., Smith, M., Frohmaier, C., Angus, C., Castro Segura, N., Kelsey, L., Sullivan, M., Galbany, L., Nugent, P., Bassett, B. A., Brout, D., Carollo, D., D'andrea, C. B., Davis, T. M., Foley, R. J., Grayling, M. & Hinton, S. R. & 64 others, Inserra, C., Kessler, R., Lewis, G. F., Lidman, C., Macaulay, E., March, M., Möller, A., Müller, T., Scolnic, D., Sommer, N. E., Swann, E., Thomas, B. P., Tucker, B. E., Vincenzi, M., Abbott, T. M. C., Allam, S., Annis, J., Avila, S., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Burke, D. L., Carnero Rosell, A., Carrasco Kind, M., Da Costa, L. N., De Vicente, J., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Doel, P., Eifler, T. F., Everett, S., Flaugher, B., Frieman, J., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gerdes, D. W., Gruen, D., Gruendl, R. A., Gschwend, J., Gutierrez, G., Hollowood, D. L., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Kim, A. G., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Menanteau, F., Miquel, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Palmese, A., Paz-Chinchón, F., Plazas, A. A., Roodman, A., Sanchez, E., Scarpine, V., Schubnell, M., Serrano, S., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Suchyta, E., Swanson, M. E. C., Tarle, G. & Wester, W., Jun 1 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494, 4, p. 5576-5589 14 p.

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  • The Settlement Norm in Audit Legal Disputes: Insights from Prominent Attorneys

    Maksymov, E., Pickerd, J., Lowe, D. J., Peecher, M. E., Reffett, A. & Donelson, D. C., Sep 1 2020, In: Contemporary Accounting Research. 37, 3, p. 1400-1443 44 p.

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