
This is a general description of the datasets included in this upload; details of each dataset can be found in the individual README.txt in each compressed folder. We have:
1. ROSE-HF.tar.gz
2. ROSE-LF.tar.gz

HF (high fragmentary): 50% of the sequences are made fragmentary, which have average lengths of 25% of the original lengths with a standard deviation of 60 bp.
LF (low fragmentary): 25% of the sequences are made fragmentary, which have average lengths of 50% of the original lengths with a standard deviation of 60 bp.

The seven ROSE datasets made fragmentary are: 1000L1, 1000L3, 1000L4, 1000M3, 1000S1, 1000S2 and 1000S4.
"ROSE-HF.tar.gz" contains HF versions of the seven ROSE datasets.
"ROSE-LF.tar.gz" contains LF versions of the seven ROSE datasets.
Date made availableNov 19 2021
PublisherUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


  • fragmentary
  • ROSE
  • simulation

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