Citation context annotation. This dataset is a second version (V2) and part of the supplemental data for Jodi Schneider, Di Ye, Alison Hill, and Ashley Whitehorn. (2020) "Continued post-retraction citation of a fraudulent clinical trial report, eleven years after it was retracted for falsifying data". Scientometrics. In press, DOI: 10.1007/s11192-020-03631-1
Publications were selected by examining all citations to the retracted paper Matsuyama 2005, and selecting the 35 citing papers, published 2010 to 2019, which do not mention the retraction, but which mention the methods or results of the retracted paper (called "specific" in Ye, Di; Hill, Alison; Whitehorn (Fulton), Ashley; Schneider, Jodi (2020): Citation context annotation for new and newly found citations (2006-2019) to retracted paper Matsuyama 2005. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. <a href=""></a> ). The annotated citations are second-generation citations to the retracted paper Matsuyama 2005 (RETRACTED: Matsuyama W, Mitsuyama H, Watanabe M, Oonakahara KI, Higashimoto I, Osame M, Arimura K. Effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on inflammatory markers in COPD. Chest. 2005 Dec 1;128(6):3817-27.), retracted in 2008 (Retraction in: Chest (2008) 134:4 (893)
<b>OVERALL DATA for VERSION 2 (V2)</b>
Same data in two formats:
2010-2019 SG to specific not mentioned FG.csv - Unicode CSV (preservation format only) - same as in V1
2010-2019 SG to specific not mentioned FG.xlsx - Excel workbook (preferred format) - same as in V1
Additional files in V2:
2G-possible-misinformation-analyzed.csv - Unicode CSV (preservation format only)
2G-possible-misinformation-analyzed.xlsx - Excel workbook (preferred format)
2G - Refers to the second-generation of Matsuyama
FG - Refers to the direct citation of Matsuyama (the one the second-generation item cites)
File name: 2G-possible-misinformation-analyzed. Other column headers in this file have same meaning as explained in V1. The following are additional header explanations:
Quote Number - The order of the quote (citation context citing the first generation article given in "FG in bibliography") in the second generation article (given in "2G article")
Quote - The text of the quote (citation context citing the first generation article given in "FG in bibliography") in the second generation article (given in "2G article")
Translated Quote - English translation of "Quote", automatically translation from Google Scholar
Seriousness/Risk - Our assessment of the risk of misinformation and its seriousness
2G topic - Our assessment of the topic of the cited article (the second generation article given in "2G article")
2G section - The section of the citing article (the second generation article given in "2G article") in which the cited article(the first generation article given in "FG in bibliography") was found
FG in bib type - The type of article (e.g., review article), referring to the cited article (the first generation article given in "FG in bibliography")
FG in bib topic - Our assessment of the topic of the cited article (the first generation article given in "FG in bibliography")
FG in bib section - The section of the cited article (the first generation article given in "FG in bibliography") in which the Matsuyama retracted paper was cited
- second-generation citation context analysis
- citation context annotation
- retraction
- diffusion of retraction