Model Code and Data for "High Costs of GHG Abatement with Electrifying the Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet with Heterogeneous Preferences of Vehicle Consumers"

  • Jia Zhong (Creator)
  • Madhu Khanna (Creator)
  • Kalai Ramea (Creator)



This repository contains the the data and code to recreate the simulations in "High Costs of GHG Abatement with Electrifying the Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet with Heterogeneous Preferences of Vehicle Consumers."

The model can be run by calling the bash file in the SLURM environment with parameters set for different scenarios.

BEPEAM-E model details:
(1) the "Main.gms" file in GAMS format that contains the initiating stage settings with input and main optimization model
(2) the "output.gms" file in GAMS format that prepare the output file from BEPAM model.
(3) the rest are the intermediate input files for model to generate the input and output files for the model.
(4) Four bash files are the script file that call the GAMS model on the HPC that includes both HPC environment and the scenario settings. Four bash files are uploaded corresponding to 4 scenarios
Date made availableMay 30 2024
PublisherUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


  • Greenhouse Gases
  • Light-Duty Vehicles
  • Economics

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