Integrating multiple data sources improves prediction and inference for upland game occupancy models



Data and documentation for Ornithological Applications manuscript “Integrating multiple data sources improves prediction and inference for upland game bird occupancy models” by Robert L. Emmet, Thomas J. Benson, Maximilian L. Allen, and Kirk W. Stodola
We combined data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey and eBird with a targeted survey (IDNR upland game) to estimate habitat use of northern bobwhite and ring-necked pheasant in Illinois and to document the efficiency and overlap among the various data sources. Data include, eBird, USGS Breeding Bird Survey, National Land Cover Database, Upland game bird surveys, stream data)
Date made availableFeb 10 2023
PublisherUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


  • avian population modelling
  • northern bobwhite
  • ring-necked pheasant
  • occupancy
  • Colinus virginianus
  • data integration
  • Phasianus colchicus

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