Transport and MFM data of brickwork artificial spin ice composed of permalloy are included, which are reproductions of the data in an article named "Magnetic response of brickwork artificial spin ice". Transport data represent magnetic response of connected brickwork artificial spin ice, and MFM data represent how both connected and disconnected brickwork artificial spin ice react to external magnetic fields. SEM images of typical samples are included, where individual nanowire leg (island) is approximately 660 nm long and 140 nm wide with a 40 nm thickness. For the transport, each sample was measured in a longitudinal and a transverse geometry. Red curves are the 2500 Oe to -2500 Oe sweeps and the blue curves are -2500 Oe to 2500 Oe sweeps. Transport measurements were taken by using a standard 4-wire technique. Each plot was saved in pdf format.