This dataset contains files and relevant metadata for real-world and synthetic LFR networks used in the manuscript "Well-Connectedness and Community Detection (2024) Park et al. presently under review at PLOS Complex Systems. The manuscript is an extended version of Park, M. et al. (2024). Identifying Well-Connected Communities in Real-World and Synthetic Networks. In Complex Networks & Their Applications XII. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2023. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1142. Springer, Cham. “The Overview of Real-World Networks image provides high-level information about the seven real-world networks.
TSVs of the seven real-world networks are provided as [network-name]_cleaned to indicate that duplicated edges and self-loops were removed, where column 1 is source and column 2 is target.
LFR datasets are contained within the zipped file. Real-world networks are labeled _cleaned_ to indicate that duplicate edges and self loops were removed.
#LFR datasets for the Connectivity Modifier (CM) paper
### File organization
Each directory `[network-name]_[resolution-value]_lfr` includes the following files:
* `network.dat`: LFR network edge-list
* `community.dat`: LFR ground-truth communities
* `time_seed.dat`: time seed used in the LFR software
* `statistics.dat`: statistics generated by the LFR software
* `cmd.stat`: command used to run the LFR software as well as time and memory usage information