Data for Evaluating bat boxes: Design and placement alter bioenergetic costs and overheating risk

  • Reed D. Crawford (Creator)
  • Luke E. Dodd (Creator)
  • Frank E. Tillman (Creator)
  • Joy Marie O'Keefe (Creator)



This dataset contains our bi-hourly temperature recordings from 40 rocket box style artificial roosts of 5 designs deployed in Indiana and Kentucky, USA from April through September 2019. This dataset also includes our endothermic and faculatively heterothermic daily energy expenditure datasets used in our bioenergetic analysis, which were calculated from the bi-hourly rocket box temperature data. Lastly, we include our overheating counts dataset which summarizes daily overheating events (i.e., temperatures > 40 Celsius) in each rocket box style bat box over the course of the study period, these daily summaries were also calculated from the bi-hourly rocket box temperature recordings.
Date made availableMar 31 2022
PublisherUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


  • bat box
  • artificial roost
  • temperature
  • microcllimate

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