Data for: Dunes in the world’s big rivers are characterised by low-angle leeside slopes and a complex shape

  • Julia Cisneros (Creator)



Morphologic data of dunes in the World's big rivers. Morphologic descriptors for large dunes include: dune height, dune mean leeside angle, dune maximum leeside angle, dune wavelength, dune flow depth (at the crest), and the fractional height of the maximum slope on the leeside for each dune. Morphologic descriptors for small dunes include: dune height, dune mean leeside angle, dune maximum leeside angle, dune wavelength, and dune flow depth (at the crest).
Date made availableJan 27 2020
PublisherUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


  • bedform
  • morphology
  • dune
  • rivers

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