This dataset contains nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA gene from phytoplasmas and other bacteria detected in phloem-feeding insects (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha). The datasets were used to compare traditional Sanger sequencing with a next-generation sequencing method, Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) for detecting and characterizing phytoplasmas in insect DNA samples.
The file “Trivellone_etal_SangerSequencing.fas”, comprising 1397 positions (the longest sequence), includes 35 not aligned bacterial 16S rRNA sequences (16 phytoplasmas and 19 other bacterial strains) yielded using Sanger sequencing.
The file “Trivellone_etal_AHEmethod1.fas” includes 34 not aligned bacterial 16S rRNA sequences (28 phytoplasmas and 6 other bacterial strains) and it contains 1530 positions (the longest sequence). Each sequence was assembled using assembled based on ABySS v2.1.0 pipeline.
The file “Trivellone_etal_AHEmethod2.fas” includes 31 not aligned bacterial 16S rRNA sequences (27 phytoplasmas and 4 other bacterial strains) and it contains 1530 positions (the longest sequence). Each sequence was assembled based on the HybPiper v2.0.1 pipeline .
Additional details in the "read_me_trivellone.txt" file attached below.
- nested PCR
- biodiversity, biorepository
- anchored hybrid enrichment
- Sanger sequencing